Police Reports: Stolen Trailer and Armed Robbery Bust

police reports marshfield wi

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – July 12

An employee from the department of motor vehicles contacted police after the company computer system detected a potential fraud. On scene officers were not able to confirm or deny if the female involved was in fact who she was posing as to obtain an updated drivers license. On a later date this officer received information from the company confirming the potential fraud. Follow up to continue.

July 23

A 31-year-old Marshfield male came to the Marshfield Police Department and reported damage done to his vehicle. All panels except the hood had scratches consistent with being “keyed”. The headlights and taillights also were scratched. The man was not certain when or where it happened because he was out of town camping over the weekend with the truck. The man believes it may have happened there or while it was parked outside his residence. When asked if he knew who might damage his vehicle, the man stated his neighbor is the only person he could think of. The man’s neighbor denied causing the damage or observing who did.

A 22-year-old Marshfield female reported to an officer that her vehicle was damaged sometime between 07/16/2021 and 07/23/2021 while it was legally parked at her apartment parking lot. No suspect vehicles at this time.

A 55-year-old Marshfield woman advised an officer that she wanted police to make contact with a 49-year-old Stratford man who she no longer wanted contact with. She stated he came to her apartment five times in one day and she has had enough. An officer was able to make contact with the man and advised him of the woman’s request. He stated he would cease and desist. Nothing Further.

A traffic stop was conducted at E. 4th Street and S. Maple Ave. The operator of the vehicle provided the officer with a valid Wisconsin Driver’s License. Dispatch advised the operator had a valid warrant through Wood County. The male was taken into custody. Later he was transported to Wood County Jail.

A 51-year-old Marshfield female reported that a 42-year-old Arpin male contacted her via Facebook threatening to kill her. The woman also stated that there is a no contact order between the two of them as of today and that he is in violation. Charges are being requested through the Wood County DA Office. See report for further details.

A 68-year-old Marshfield woman reported a 76-year-old Marshfield male was in violation of his probation rules for having contact with her. When asked, the woman said she has been in a relationship with this male while his rules existed and things were going well for them but he has since began to drink again and that’s when things don’t go well for their relationship. The woman went to this male’s residence on 07/23/2021 to retrieve her belongings, the male began to call her names so therefore the woman called police. Voicemails from the male were recorded via body camera. No further action was taken between the two parties. This report was sent to Probation and Parole for their review.

A victim reported receiving unwanted vulgar messages through Facebook Messenger from his ex-girlfriend. Both parties are working through family court because of children they have in common. Contact was made with the female and she was warned for the vulgar messages. No further action was taken.

July 24

A 53-year-old Marshfield female reported that her boyfriend, a 46-year-old Marshfield man, caused a disturbance and struck her. Police made contact with the male. It was found the male had a valid Wood County warrant. The 46-year-old was later arrested for the warrant and additional charges then transported to Wood County Jail.

While on patrol an officer observed a vehicle in the ditch. Further investigation revealed a 31-year-old Marshfield man was operating the vehicle. Photographs were taken and the officer had the vehicle towed and can be released upon payment.

July 25

A victim reported an individual made threats to him over Snapchat. The victim identified the individuals screen name. The victim stated the individual was upset about a conflict with a friend in common. The victim was advised to block the individual and stop messaging the individual back. No further action was taken.

A 27-year-old Marshfield female reported a verbal disturbance between her and a 29-year-old Marshfield male. The male left prior to officer arrival. The female informed officers that there is a no residence contact in effect via Wood County Courts ref an open divorce hearing. At this time, a report will be sent to the Wood Co D.A. Office for review.

A 49-year-old Marshfield woman stated that one of her rental properties has fresh damage to the side of the garage. The woman stated she saw a black Dodge Durango parked partially on the rental property and believes that when the vehicle backed up that it hit the side of the garage and ran over the drain pipe as well. She did not have a vehicle plate to provide and no further information. Pictures were taken of the damage. There are no known suspects at this time and stated she would call in the future if she found out more information. No further action taken.

As a result of a traffic stop, a 22-year-old Marshfield male was placed under arrest for OWI 3rd offense and four counts of misdemeanor bail jumping. The male was later transported to the Wood County Jail. A request for charges is being forwarded to the Wood County District Attorney’s Office.

A 35-year-old Marshfield female reported that a 40-year-old Marshfield man entered her residence while she was asleep. The female reported that she told the man to leave, then called the police. The Marshfield man left on foot. Police responded and attempted contact at the Marshfield man’s residence. Charges for Stalking and Burglary will be sent to the Wood County District Attorney’s office. Taped report to follow.

July 26

The Milwaukee Police Department requested Marshfield Officers check the listed location for a stolen vehicle and an armed robbery suspect from an incident that occurred in their city. Officers located the stolen vehicle parked in the driveway at the residence. Officers were later able to make contact with the owner of the stolen vehicle and she informed officers that the suspect was inside the residence with her children. Officers made telephone contact with the suspect and he initially refused to come out of the residence. After a short standoff, the suspect came out of the residence, was arrested and then transported to the Wood County Jail. The stolen vehicle did not appear to be damaged and was released to the owner.

A 32-year-old rural Pittsville woman came to this department to report a violation of bond no contact order. The suspect, a 31-year-old Pittsville man, had Facebook messaged the victim. Charges referred to Wood County District attorney’s office.

The Safety Director for a local company called to report the theft of a trailer. The trailer was removed from a company “drop” lot. The next day another employee arrived to use the trailer and it was gone. Due to the amount of vehicles the company owns as well as communication delays the trailer was not confirmed officially stolen until now. The trailer was listed as stolen through NCIC.

A 26-year-old Marshfield female reported that an 18-year-old Edgar male entered her residence without her permission. He was invited to the residence earlier in the evening, but was asked to leave. She advised that she did not want charges pursued against the male. He was warned by officers for trespassing and then left the residence without incident.

July 27

A 40-year-old Marshfield man reported his vehicle’s headlight mount was removed/stolen out of his unlocked vehicle. The only Chevrolet Uplander involved in a crash within the past 90 days in Wood County did not have matching front end damage. No suspects at this time.

A 24-year-old Marshfield woman reported that after her boyfriend, a 22-year-old Marshfield man left her residence he then sent suicidal messages to her along with pictures of a noose around his neck. Officers were able to ping the man’s location by phone and found him shortly after. He was then transported the MMC for treatment of injuries sustained and follow up with Wood County Crisis when cleared.

A 38-year-old Marshfield woman was located at a Marshfield residence who had an outstanding warrants that she could not post bond for. Additionally, a second 38-year-old female was located within the residence and was in possession of THC and in violation of her probation rules. Both females were arrested and transported to the Wood County Jail.

July 28

A 65-year-old Marshfield male called stating sometime during the night someone drew on his vehicle’s windows with window marker. The man did not have any potential suspects and was advised how to properly remove the window paint. No further information at this time.

A complainant reported that a newer dark blue Chevrolet pick up with a skull decal on the back window and a brush guard, pumped $41.00 in fuel and left without payment. At this time there is no video or further information on the vehicle. It was last seen north bound on N. Central Ave. Menards and Walmart were checked for the vehicle. No further information is available at this time.

We welcome your stories! Contact us at [email protected]!

Jacquelin Burkhammer

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Sat Aug 14 , 2021
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